Executive creative, designer, writer with 22 years of experience in design, marketing, and product development. Specialized in combining branding, messaging, and product development into one cohesive commerce-driven service.
Almay, Aloha, Avon, Built, Delta Airlines, DryBox, Dupont, GE, Knotel, Les Lunes, LilGadgets, L’Oreal, Mitchum, Outerwall, Pepsi, Redbox, Redken, Revlon, SAMPLEit, Sonder Living, The Sampling Company, Veloxint, Vuff
Austin New York, Arnell, Avrett Free Ginberg, BIG, Chiat Day, DBNY, Ogilvy, Slack Barshinger, William Morris Endeavor
Strategic Business Building, Creative Leadership, Product & Service Development, Brand Development & Growth, Tactical Application, New Business, Collaborative & Affable, Organizational Savant, Crazy One